Monday, 12 February 2007

Lost & Found

Going through one of your old jeans that you haven’t worn in a long time, you find a tenner in one of the pockets, rummaging through that messy cupboard your hand reaches one of those lost books you loved as school girl…Or simply bumping into a “long-lost” friend….

Finding something committed to memory as lost is always fantastic! Have you ever thought of those first few seconds you go through when you find something? I have always felt them to be of wonder and sometimes sheer amazement….!! However recently I had a feeling of complete shock….I had lost my PAN card 5 months back in Mumbai… and 4 months back I was transferred to Pune (Panchshil, Vimanagar office to be precise)…After coming here though I kept reminding myself that I had to get a new one made, I never actually got around to doing it (this falls under the category of things that have a lot of time to get done, but we only end up doing at the last minute.. similar to sending in Investments proofs which I did submit on the last day 2 minutes before closing time J).

Well as it is said all that happens, does happen for the best. One fine day I was at my desk pressing ‘F9’ idly on my open mail box. (This I must confess is a compulsion with almost ever software professional – the manual checking for mail every 10 minutes is mandatory even if auto send-receive option is “on”. Don’t get me wrong, this is just the way we are.. and trust me when you’re sitting idle in office you will never receive some time pass mail to read no matter how many times you press “F9”… Frequency of these mails being 2/min). Anyways, I suddenly do get a mail, from an unknown mail-id with subject “You lost your PAN card???”

Now I think to myself, this happened 5 months back when I was in Mumbai (this is to refresh), so someone in Mumbai must have found it… Well I do a “reply” to confirm that I had and trust me this time I did a ‘F9’ 50 times in 1 minute. But got a reply after 2 minutes… L Anyways the person “X” (I’m not calling her ‘X’ to conceal the person’s identity, just that I haven’t told her about this piece), replies stating that she did find my PAN card & she sits in Panchshil on 5th floor(I sit on the 3rd)… Now my brain starts working… this is not possible... I lost it in Mumbai, 5 months back (this is repetition only for effect)…how can someone in Pune find it… someone is trying to make an “April fool”… But thinking really hard I couldn’t get a way to find out if someone was in the ‘Aprilly’ mood… So I thought… face your fear, make a fool of yourself…. But I thought 2 fools would be better than one, so I asked my best friend to come with me to the 5th floor to check out… Now normally my friend is the type who can write a book titled “101 Ways to Think of Not-possible Scenarios”, sub-titled “For any events in life”…but here she simply says “Praj why do you need me to go to 5th floor” when I expected her to think of 101 scenarios of why someone would write me that mail and ask me to come to 5th floor… life is full of surprises…

Anyways I know how to persuade her to do things, which I did and we went to the 5th floor…
You wont believe this but turns out that “X” DID find my PAN card, lying on the road, along with a small passport size photo of mine ( I know passport size is small.. that again is for effect..) and she remembered seeing me in Panchshil… Reaching her cubicle and seeing my PAN card were the moments of “shock” for her which I mentioned earlier and well that day the feeling of shock never left me… I saw the card at least 20 times through the day just to make sure that it was mine….. This was one of those days that I will never forget…!! Lost in Mumbai... 5 months back (this is just what I said to “X” as a reply to “how did you lose it”)… Found on the road…!!! (This was pretty much to myself)

Well I’m the kind of person who has lost lots of things in life… sometimes just out of sheer negligence, sometimes due to Murphy’s laws working and most of the times due to simple bad luck…. But rarely do I have the experience of finding these again… That day however I did believe in miracles (it could have some other very plain explanation but miracles always sound good)… and just hope that everyone one day experiences this miracle and finds at least one of those things that has faded away as a lost memory….
Going through one of your old jeans that you haven’t worn in a long time, you find a tenner in one of the pockets, rummaging through that messy cupboard your hand reaches one of those lost books you loved as school girl…Or simply bumping into a “long-lost” friend….

Finding something committed to memory as lost is always fantastic! Have you ever thought of those first few seconds you go through when you find something? I have always felt them to be of wonder and sometimes sheer amazement….!! However recently I had a feeling of complete shock….I had lost my PAN card 5 months back in Mumbai… and 4 months back I was transferred to Pune (Panchshil, Vimanagar office to be precise)…After coming here though I kept reminding myself that I had to get a new one made, I never actually got around to doing it (this falls under the category of things that have a lot of time to get done, but we only end up doing at the last minute.. similar to sending in Investments proofs which I did submit on the last day 2 minutes before closing time J).

Well as it is said all that happens, does happen for the best. One fine day I was at my desk pressing ‘F9’ idly on my open mail box. (This I must confess is a compulsion with almost ever software professional – the manual checking for mail every 10 minutes is mandatory even if auto send-receive option is “on”. Don’t get me wrong, this is just the way we are.. and trust me when you’re sitting idle in office you will never receive some time pass mail to read no matter how many times you press “F9”… Frequency of these mails being 2/min). Anyways, I suddenly do get a mail, from an unknown mail-id with subject “You lost your PAN card???”

Now I think to myself, this happened 5 months back when I was in Mumbai (this is to refresh), so someone in Mumbai must have found it… Well I do a “reply” to confirm that I had and trust me this time I did a ‘F9’ 50 times in 1 minute. But got a reply after 2 minutes… L Anyways the person “X” (I’m not calling her ‘X’ to conceal the person’s identity, just that I haven’t told her about this piece), replies stating that she did find my PAN card & she sits in Panchshil on 5th floor(I sit on the 3rd)… Now my brain starts working… this is not possible... I lost it in Mumbai, 5 months back (this is repetition only for effect)…how can someone in Pune find it… someone is trying to make an “April fool”… But thinking really hard I couldn’t get a way to find out if someone was in the ‘Aprilly’ mood… So I thought… face your fear, make a fool of yourself…. But I thought 2 fools would be better than one, so I asked my best friend to come with me to the 5th floor to check out… Now normally my friend is the type who can write a book titled “101 Ways to Think of Not-possible Scenarios”, sub-titled “For any events in life”…but here she simply says “Praj why do you need me to go to 5th floor” when I expected her to think of 101 scenarios of why someone would write me that mail and ask me to come to 5th floor… life is full of surprises…

Anyways I know how to persuade her to do things, which I did and we went to the 5th floor…
You wont believe this but turns out that “X” DID find my PAN card, lying on the road, along with a small passport size photo of mine ( I know passport size is small.. that again is for effect..) and she remembered seeing me in Panchshil… Reaching her cubicle and seeing my PAN card were the moments of “shock” for her which I mentioned earlier and well that day the feeling of shock never left me… I saw the card at least 20 times through the day just to make sure that it was mine….. This was one of those days that I will never forget…!! Lost in Mumbai... 5 months back (this is just what I said to “X” as a reply to “how did you lose it”)… Found on the road…!!! (This was pretty much to myself)

Well I’m the kind of person who has lost lots of things in life… sometimes just out of sheer negligence, sometimes due to Murphy’s laws working and most of the times due to simple bad luck…. But rarely do I have the experience of finding these again… That day however I did believe in miracles (it could have some other very plain explanation but miracles always sound good)… and just hope that everyone one day experiences this miracle and finds at least one of those things that has faded away as a lost memory….